Martin Blank is not a politician. He’s a veteran, a doctor, and police officer running for Congress to fight for the forgotten people of Michigan.
Police Officer
Not a Politican
I've worn a lot of uniforms in my life. As a soldier, surgeon, and now a police officer, I've seen empty suit politicians in Washington, D.C. doing nothing, getting rich, and selling us out in the process. I've had enough. I refuse to sit back and watch career politicians put America last while our communities continue to struggle. That's why I'm running for Congress - to fight for the forgotten people of Michigan's 8th District.

I believe in real action, not empty promises. I believe in transparency, accountability, and putting the needs of our district first:
- Bringing back American jobs
- Securing the Border
- Stopping the flood of fentanyl and crime into our communities
- Protecting our families
- Fighting Crime
Together, we can bring about the change we so desperately need. I'm not a career politician - I’m a fighter, and I'm ready to take our fight to the heart of our nation's capital.”